"You do not really understand something
unless you can explain it to your grandmother."
unless you can explain it to your grandmother."
~ Albert Einstein ~
It could also be said that you don't really understand something unless you can explain it to a classroom full of children.
In a recent Wednesday night lesson, I was talking with a class of elementary kids about Moses’ encounter with God in the burning bush. And as I worked to explain the lesson to my class, I had to develop a deeper grasp of the idea for myself.
When Moses heard that God wanted him to lead the Israelites out of slavery, Moses’ first inclination was to say, “no.” He had plenty of excuses as to why he could go and why he couldn’t be the one. But God had an answer for each and every excuse.
When Moses heard that God wanted him to lead the Israelites out of slavery, Moses’ first inclination was to say, “no.” He had plenty of excuses as to why he could go and why he couldn’t be the one. But God had an answer for each and every excuse.
God told Moses “I will be with you.”
Moses says, “I am not eloquent or a man of words.”
And God said, “I will teach you what you shall say.”
Moses said, “Sent someone else.”
God told Moses that he would send Aaron to help him, but that he still wanted Moses.
God wiped out all Moses’ excuses because he promised to provide the strength needed for the task. God had a plan for Moses and He has a plan for our lives. We just have to stop making excuses and say, “YES!”

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