the thing that caused my mommy-heart to drop into my stomach.
This note....which I hadn't seen....which I hadn't put on the calendar....had just put my morning into a tail spin.
Because I work outside of the home one day a week. And that day was today....the same day as "Special Persons' Day" at Lil' R's school. And I had just royally screwed up.
It was too late to make other arrangements. It was too late to call someone else. It was simply too late.
So I did the only thing I knew to do: I cried.
Next, I tried to explain why Mommy wasn't coming.
And then.....I was shown grace by my four-year-old.
She sweetly told me it would be okay. And was amazing when a friend's mom offered to be her "special friend" too. And was all smiles and joy when I got back to pick her up. My sweet, gracious, angel.
Here's the truth: Mommy-guilt got the better of me for a while today. It had a strong hold on my heart for most of the morning. But I have decided that guilt will not win.
I have been shown my my Savior.
And now I must give it to myself.

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