When Hubby first introduced me to Twitter, I didn't get it. "Why does anyone care about what I'm doing?" I asked. But the thing about Twitter is that sometimes, it gives you the chance to do some really cool things. For example: thanks to a connection on Twitter, I have the opportunity to host Allie Pleiter on my blog. Today, Allie shares a little about her life as an author and a mom.
“If you ever write something with zombies and vampires, then maybe I’ll read it.”
Yes, moms, if you’re looking for literary respect from your fifteen year old son and you write romance novels, keep looking. Your only chance of wining their admiration may be if you wield a wicked Wii remote--they don’t much care how you wield a synopsis.
In short, my teenagers have never been impressed with my writing career. Ever. Once, when my now-nineteen year old daughter was in elementary school and having one of those inexplicably hard times, I asked her (foolishly), “Is it because Mom has a books and is on TV and all?”
No joke, she rolled her eyes, looked at me with the face that would become her teenage “stare of death,” and said, “Come on, Mom, you’re not THAT famous.” Ouch.
They are not beguiled. It used to really bug me. I mean, I do something pretty amazing for a living. I took a stack of my books to some people who had been particularly nice to my family today, and they gasped in admiration. They clutched my books like they were the precious treasures that they are. At last count, I have nearly half a million readers in seven countries.
But my math-wiz son? He only thinks to remind me that half a million books sold does not necessarily mean half a million readers. As if looking for a opportunity to take me down a peg. Which, I suppose, is the sworn duty of all high school students. The very air we breathe is an affront to their awesomeness.
Early on in my career I realized that this regrettably “normal” teen behavior means I’m doing it right. To them, I’m just Mom. Mom who happens to write books. And that’s a whole lot better than having an Author who just happens to be their Mother.
Then again, maybe it’s time for a little zombie romance.
A Little More About Allie....
An avid knitter, coffee junkie, and devoted chocoholic, Allie Pleiter writes both fiction and non-fiction. The enthusiastic but slightly untidy mother of two, Allie spends her days writing books, buying yarn, and finding new ways to avoid housework. Allie hails from Connecticut, moved to the midwest to attend Northwestern University, and currently lives outside Chicago, Illinois. The “dare from a friend” to begin writing has produced two parenting books, fourteen novels, and various national speaking engagements on faith, women’s issues, and writing. Visit her website at www.alliepleiter.com or her knitting blog at www.DestiKNITions.blogspot.com

Thanks for having me!